Senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Members of
the Press,
My Fathers and Mothers,
I stand
before you today to appeal to your conscience not to promote discrimination and
hate towards some Nigerian citizens who for the dilemma of their sexuality
cannot speak for themselves. My name is Rashidi Williams, the Executive
Director of Queer Alliance Nigeria. Queer Alliance works to promote the
well-being and advocate for the rights of sexual minorities in Nigeria. I am
proud to identify as a gay man of African and Nigerian descent.
At this point in the history of our country, it is important to
note that we are going through a period in which the decisive support for the
rule of law, principles of freedom, artistic and intellectual expression,
association, religious liberty, dignity of the Human Person, freedom from
discrimination of all sorts, an open society and the respect, protection and
fulfillment of the rights of all Nigerians have become an absolute necessity.
According to the World Health Organization; sexuality is a central
aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities
and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction.
Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires,
beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships.
Sexuality is also influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological,
social, economic, cultural, ethical, legal, political, historical and religious
and spiritual factor. It therefore suffices to say that homosexuality is
inherent in a particular percentage of the citizenry of our country.
Sexuality is a core component of what makes us human beings. Same
Sex attraction as we know is not a matter of choice. No one will willing choose
to belong to a marginalized group within any particular society. It is
already a trial to survive the hardship of our nations let alone the
discrimination we face as sexual minorities. We believe that our sexuality is
God-given and that it should not be a basis for discrimination against us.
constitution guarantees every citizen their fundamental human rights. The
Chapter IV of the constitution gives a list of these rights. Notable is the
Right to the Dignity of the Human Person, The Right to Freedom from
Discrimination and The Right to Peaceful Assembly and Association. Our
signatory to international covenants and treaties (notably Universal
Declaration on Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Convention on the Elimination
of all forms of Discrimination against Women etc.), recognizes the fact that we
know and acknowledge that sexual orientation and gender identity is and should
be a protected clause in the context of human rights. It is also means that as
people and a country, there is sexual diversity amongst us.
The Right to
Freedom from Discrimination has been interpreted internationally to include
freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity. While the constitution endorse the Right to Freedom from
Discrimination, discriminatory and repressive laws found in the Penal And
Criminal Codes of the nation gives a breeding ground for the perpetration of
hate crimes and violations of human rights on grounds of sexual orientation and
gender identity in the country. This bill which is coming on the heels of
penalizing legislation will further make life difficult for sexual minorities.
Senators, in Nigeria violence against sexual minorities are frequent and occur
on a daily basis, mostly under-reported. People with same sex orientation are
being attacked by members of the society, using the discriminatory laws that
exist in our statue books and religious texts to fuel their acts. These people
go unpunished for these dastardly acts. This bill will escalate the tension
that we are already experiencing as a result of our sexuality. Discriminatory
laws found in the penal and Criminal Codes also prevent sexual minorities from
seeking redress because state actors, especially law enforcement agencies use
these laws to further abuse and violate their human rights. The killing of
Innua Yakubu, a student of the Government College, Jigawa in 2002. Innua Yakubu was tagged gay by his classmates.
This is a vivid example of the daily horrific experiences that sexual
minorities in Nigeria go through.
May we also call the attention of the distinguished Senate of our
country know that there is no place or evidence in Nigeria today that supports
or affirms that persons with same sex orientations are getting married. We believe that what this bill seeks to
penalize is non-existence and therefore means that the bill to prohibit same
sex marriage is null and void.
Our beloved country has committed herself to numerous Human Right
treaties and convention under international laws of the United Nations and
Human Rights Commission which expands on the understanding of sexuality, sexual
orientation and gender identity. We need these signatories to show in the
protection of the lives of citizens of this great country that identify as same
sex oriented persons. As citizens of Nigeria, we have contributed to the
development of the nation, albeit in the closet of our humanity because of the
laws present in the statues books of Nigeria. We cannot stand or sit by any longer and watch
our lives and dreams shattered all because of our sexual orientation and gender
identity; a dilemma that we cannot overcome.
The last three word of the first verse of the National Anthem
reads ‘Freedom, Peace and Unity’ for all its citizens. The proposed bill is a
tear off this part of Nigeria that guarantees freedom to all its citizens as
enshrined in the1999 Constitution. Our quest for development as a nation, meet
the challenges of the Millennium Development Goals and attain vision 202020 in
the light of the current transformation agenda of the Goodluck Jonathan
Administration cannot be realized if we continue to have discriminatory and
repressive laws in the statues books of Nigeria or legislate to make abuse and
violation on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity possible. It
takes away our rights as sexual minorities to contribute to the development of
our country. Freedom enshrined in the respect for the rights of every Nigerian
is essential to the development and growth that we all yearn for as a country.
Furthermore, sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights are related to almost
all the Millennium Development Goals of which we are still struggling to
achieve as a country. This bill makes that largely impossible.
Initiatives to promote rights and an open society where everyone
can sit at the table irrespective of their status, inclusive of sexual
orientation and gender identity and proffer solutions to the myriads of
problems facing the country should be keen on the minds of everyone, now that
Nigeria seeks to be among the 20 best economies of the world in the nearest
future. In this light, this bill is
totally unnecessary and we as citizens of Nigeria urge the Senate and other
bodies, to open up possibilities of discussing human sexuality in an open
atmosphere rather than debating to further criminalize people with this
orientation where it is already illegal and criminal.
In conclusion, we also as citizens of Nigeria pledge to our dearly
beloved nation that we shall continue to be faithful, loyal and honest regardless
of the seasons, peace or tribulations, we shall serve Nigeria with all our
strength and uphold the dignity and honour for all rightful citizens, Help us
God. Thanks for your attention and we are indeed better off as a country
without this bill.
Queer Alliance in the light of the proposed bill therefore urges
the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria:
Recognize the importance of sexuality and
sexual rights in the lives of all Nigerians and the role of sexuality in the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Take measures to protect the rights of every
Nigeria irrespective of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Repeal, amend or review laws relating to
sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity that are discriminatory and
repressive in the statues books of Nigeria
Legislate to protect from discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!
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